Sunday, July 3, 2016

SBPT 2016: The Reader and the Chef

As I mentioned yesterday, today (and every Sunday this Summer) I'll be spotlighting a different bookish blogger/blog as part of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour!
Up first is Melissa from The Reader and the Chef

Photo courtesy of Melissa
Melissa (also known as Melissa de Montigny on Twitter) is a book blogger and reviewer, currently living in Mexico with a degree in Foreign Trade and Customs. Her favorite genres are fantasy, contemporary, and all things Young Adult with a hint of romance (if it has book princes, the better). When she’s not reading, Melissa loves to hang around Twitter professing her love for books, eating sweets, and staring at her collection of books. You can find her at The Reader and the Chef  (her blog), YA Books Central (staff reviewer), and on Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers.

You can also follow her on Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook!

I thought it would be fun to get to know Melissa and her reading habits a little better by giving her a little multiple choice quiz.  So let's see what Melissa had to say...her answers are in blue with her explanations in parentheses.

1) My favorite genre to read is
A. Contemporary
B. Fantasy (because magic +new worlds + possible swoony princes!)
C. Historical
D. None of the Above
E. All of the Above

2) I prefer to read…
A. Ebooks
B. Hardcover Books
C. Paperback Books
D. Audiobooks
E. Doesn’t matter, I just want to read, read, read! (I LOVE my physical books, but then again, I also love my e-readers and how I can read in the darkness)

3) I usually read ____ books a month.
A. 1
B. 2-5 (sometimes more! I'm definitely aiming for more the following months because I have to catch up with my challenge)
C. 5-10
D. 10-15
E. 15+

4) Which do you prefer to read?
A. Standalone books
B. Trilogies
C. Short series (4-5 books)
D. Never-ending series (6+ books)
E. It doesn’t matter, if it is something I want to read, I’ll read it.(My favorite books are trilogies, but I also love so many standalones and series)

5) It’s late at night and you know you need to sleep, but you are at a good part of the story. Do you…
A. Stop reading? The book is not going anywhere.
B. Keep reading?  Who needs sleep? (SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK)
C. Try to go to sleep, but end up getting up and reading anyway?
D. Go online to read spoilers so you can sleep knowing what happens?
E. Skip ahead to see what happens, so you can go to sleep?

6) You are interrupted while reading and can’t find a book mark.  What do you do?
A. Dog-ear the page. 
B. Use whatever is handy…gum wrapper, receipt, banana peel, etc. (I sometimes use tissues, they serve double purpose when reading emotional books!)
C. Close the book, you’ll remember where you were.
D. Write the page number down somewhere.
E. Can’t find a bookmark?  I never go anywhere without a bookmark!

7) A friend wants to borrow your absolute, most favorite book, do you…
A. Refuse? That book is your precious. 
B. Buy her a copy?  After all, you want to share the book love and keep a friend.(I SHALL NEVER LEND BOOKS EVER AGAIN. This way is better)
C. Gladly let her borrow it with no fuss? It’s your favorite and you want everyone to read and it.
D. Let her borrow it, but make her sign away her first born if any harm comes to it?
E. Let her borrow it and hound her every day asking if she’s read it yet?

8) When you read a book, the part that really captures your interest and makes it a good read for you is…
A. Characters (Characters always come first to me, then world-building and plot)
B. Plot
C. Setting
D. Writing
E. It really depends on the book.

9) What makes you pick up a book and say, “Yeah, I want to read that!”?
B. Blurb 
C. Author
D. Reviews
E. All of the Above

10) My favorite part about blogging and the bookish community is…
A. the books 
B. the people
C. sharing my thoughts and creativity with others
D. the authors
E. All of the Above (I love every single aspect of the bookish community ♥)

Well, that was a lot of fun! Thanks Melissa!
Now everyone show Melissa some love here and over at The Reader and the Chef!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the way you did this post! I enjoyed it very much. I can completely agree that a book cover is what first interests me about a book. Also, the characters. If they are boring it kills the whole story. I usually grab a bookmark before I start a book so never have to use much else.
