Friday, June 23, 2017

Blog Post: Such a Good Girl by Amanda K. Morgan...Guest Posts and Giveaway!

An interesting book and some fun posts from its author to share with you today.

Keep reading...
Such a Good Girl by Amanda K. Morgan
Release Date: June 20th 2017
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

Riley Stone is just about perfect. (Ask anyone.)
She has a crush on her French teacher, Alex Belrose. (And she suspects he likes her, too.)
Riley has her entire life planned out. (The plan is nonnegotiable.)
She's never had a secret she couldn't keep. (Not ever.)
Riley is sure that her life is on the right track. (And nothing will change that.)
She's nothing like a regular teenager. (But she doesn't have any problem admitting that.)
Riley doesn't usually play games. (But when she does, she always wins.)

She thinks a game is about to start…
But Riley always has a plan…
And she always wins.
Amanda K. Morgan is a freelance writer living in Nashville, TN. She covers events and works on freelance projects when she isn't working on her YA novels.

At age 15, Amanda finished her first novel and continued to write in college, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in English and an emphasis in Creative Writing.

Amanda's books include After Hours, written as Claire Kennedy, Secrets Lies and Scandals, and Such a Good Girl.

For more information on Amanda's freelance/technical writing, to ask for information on a specific project, or for other questions, contact her.
Website | Goodreads |Twitter
I have a couple of fun posts from Amanda K. Morgan today. 
First, I asked about the inspiration for one of her characters and she obliged.
Second, I am always curious about what books authors love to read and what books are some of their favorites.  And I was glad to see what Amanda enjoyed...we actually have quite a few in common.

So, here's Amanda...
My inspiration for Riley is very complex, but mainly, I wanted to write a character who isn’t, contrary to the title, 100% good.  I want her motivations to be complex, and her life, and I wanted to reveal her motivations piece-by-piece.  I wanted her to be brilliantly smart and strong, and I wanted her to be admirable even if it wasn’t always in the best ways.  

I really shouldn’t give away more than that!
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
 HP is life!  If I got my Hogwarts letter tomorrow, I would be so in.  I refuse to believe I’m a muggle. (Note from Jennifer: SAME!!!)

All in Pieces by Suzanne Young
This book will make you fall in love with the characters and also rip your soul into tiny little pieces.   It’s brilliance.

Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin
It’s a romantic gothic-dystopian inspired by Poe.  Need I say more? 

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
This is the book that made me want to read every book by E. Lockhart.  It’s just incredible.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
I want to be Laini someday.  Her writing is just gorgeous.

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
 This book has been a favorite since I got it from a Scholastic book order.  It’s the perfect Cinderella retelling.  Also, why don’t adults get Scholastic book orders at work?  Wouldn’t that make the workday more fun

Make sure you follow the tour by clicking the image.

The Fantastic Flying Book Club

  • 1 $25 Barnes and Noble Gift Card
  • U.S. Only
  • Ends 6/29


  1. Great post - I'm looking forward to reading this one :)

  2. All in Pieces is totally on my MUST READ list. It's definitely a "me" book, I can just tell from the reviews. Also, I LOVE E. Lockhart. I've read every book she's ever written and loved them all-- can't wait to get to Genuine Fraud!! Thanks for being on the tour Jennifer and LOVE seeing Amanda's favorite YA books!
